auntie | June 8, 2017
7.83 miles; Andover, Tewksbury, and Lowell, MA This was the best of hikes, it was the worst of hikes… Not actually, but the first half was quite nice, while the second half was both on a bogus trail and in the city of Lowell. So not wonderful. Still, I got it done. The BCT ends […]
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Category: Bay Circuit Trail, Massachusetts, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 7–10 miles, Andover MA, Lowell MA, MA, Tewksbury MA
auntie | May 30, 2017
6.36 miles; Andover, MA Okay, so I originally planned this as a long 14-mile section, and when I changed my mind and decided to break it in two, I didn’t feel like re-numbering all the rest, hence 7A. This was an interesting section, what with multiple eskers and a cemetery and a kangaroo crossing and […]
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Category: Bay Circuit Trail, Massachusetts, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 5–7 miles, Andover MA, MA
auntie | May 23, 2017
10.85 miles; North Andover and Andover, MA Today’s hike was by far the best section to date. The Harold Parker State Forest was absolutely beautiful. It reminded me a lot of Arcadia. And that was only the beginning 3 miles or so. And got my first glimpse of the Boston skyline. And at one point the […]
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Category: Bay Circuit Trail, Massachusetts, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: Andover MA, North Andover MA, Over 10 miles