auntie | July 11, 2016
4.3 miles; Barkhamsted, CT As I mentioned in the previous post, I inadvertently did this Challenge hike about 3 weeks earlier, so it came as no surprise. But then again, it was kind of fun to see it again so soon and to show it to my hiking partner Stacy. Do I look sheepish here? […]
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Barkhamsted CT, CT
auntie | June 20, 2016
4.7 miles; Barkhamsted, CT So the hubs and I decided to give car camping a trial run. Neither of us grew up camping, although I was a Girl Scout and I guess his days as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne might sort of count… Anyway, we’re trying to plan a longer camping trip to Nova […]
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 2–5 miles, Barkhamsted CT, CT