Air Line and SNETT Trails

| May 7, 2017

Air Line and SNETT Trails

7.9 miles; Thompson, CT, Burrilville, RI, and Douglas, MA Actually this was me hiking to meet some friends who were doing the Coffeehouse Loop in the Douglas State Forest, but I just had to do more mileage. Most of my return was on the Southern New England Trunkline Trail, or SNETT, which is pretty nice […]

Tri-State Trek and Coffeehouse Loop

| November 3, 2015

Tri-State Trek and Coffeehouse Loop

9.7 miles; thompson, ct, burrillville, ri, and douglas, ma met a friend here by hiking in to the coffeehouse loop in douglas state forest from the airline trail trailhead. she doesn’t do long hikes, but wanted to begin to check out the douglas state forest, and i, well, love long hikes. we met at 8:00 […]

PCHC North-South Trail, Leg 1

| April 11, 2015

PCHC North-South Trail, Leg 1

6.8 miles; douglas, ma and pascoag, ri i never managed to finish the great north-south trail trek, either year i started it, so i’ve never been on this leg of the trail. the providence county hiking club has broken the trail into more and smaller legs than the “great north-south trail trek” people, and just […]

Tri-State Trek

| December 27, 2014

Tri-State Trek

4 miles; thompson, ct a providence county hiking club hike again, and this time i kind of made up a loop from older hikes. we hiked 4 miles in 3 states. i kind of forgot what a bear that first mile up to the tri-state marker and then the midstate trail can be coming from ct,  but it […]

Douglas State Forest

| October 25, 2012

Douglas State Forest

6.31 miles   ★★★★ i have been wanting to do this for ages, ever since i walked to the tri-state marker from east thompson. i distinctly remember looking longingly at the trail that led off west and wishing i could walk it. finally did. however, i was very physically uncomfortable for most of the day, so […]