AMC Trail Inspection, Escoheag Trail

| April 28, 2018

AMC Trail Inspection, Escoheag Trail

2 miles; Exeter, RI I volunteered with the AMC Narragansett Chapter to do a trail clean-up/inspection on the Escoheag Trail. Three intrepid hikers headed out armed with loppers and a handsaw, and we cleared brush and small trees and documented blowdowns which would require heavier duty equipment and crews to clear. Fun way to spend […]

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 3

| April 7, 2018

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 3

16.76 miles; Richmond, Exeter, West Greenwich and Coventry, RI Welp, I did it, I walked 17 miles (almost). I was one hurting puppy by the end, but I did it. This leg has some great stretches in it—Sand Hill Trail, the Ben Utter Trail, Stepstone Falls, Nicholas Farm—and one long-assed stretch of road-walking; almost 4 […]

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 2

| March 24, 2018

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 2

13.8 miles; Charlestown, Richmond, and Exeter, RI Wow. I had forgotten (perhaps mercifully) how rugged the very last few miles of this section are. Painful. But I’m not in as bad shape as I was after Leg 1, so I’m getting stronger. And just in time for Leg 3, which is 17 miles… This hike […]

Tefft Hill Reconnaissance Mission (and Hike)

| August 30, 2017

Tefft Hill Reconnaissance Mission (and Hike)

6 miles; Exeter and Richmond, RI I guess I could have also titled this post “Tefft Hill Mushroom Hunt,” but that quest proved completely fruitless, at least as far as Black Trumpets were concerned. Besides, I mainly wanted to see what the state has been up to under Route 95, and was delighted by what […]

Tefft Hill

| July 21, 2017

Tefft Hill

4.2 miles; Exeter and Richmond, RI I had trouble sleeping, so when I was already awake at 4:30, I decided I may as well go hiking in the coolth of the morning. Turns out, not so much coolth, and it was so humid it was like walking underwater. I cut the hike short. Also, no […]

Paucamack Hill

| January 21, 2017

Paucamack Hill

5.44 miles; Exeter, RI After the last very short hike, I really needed some mileage. I was also both a little tired of driving a long distance to hike, and of all of my local hikes. What to do? Long careful study of the Great Swamp Press map of Arcadia revealed, amazingly, a big swath of […]