PCHC North-South Trail, Leg 4

| June 13, 2015

PCHC North-South Trail, Leg 4

8.4 miles; killingly, ct and foster, ri another leg down! there was only about a mile and a half of this that was in the woods; the rest was all road walking. but they were very pretty, very scenic country roads for the most part, so it wasn’t too bad. we started from pond road […]

Parker Woodlands

| December 13, 2014

Parker Woodlands

6.92 miles; coventry and foster, ri so between a trip to cincinnati to see the steelers and the bengals (yay stillers!), deluges of rain, and a case of the flu, i missed a whole week’s hiking. it was saturday, and hunting season, and genius that i am, i decided to hit an audubon refuge that […]

Parker Woodland

| September 28, 2014

Parker Woodland

7.2 miles; coventry and foster, ri today’s hike was yet another providence county hiking club walk, this time through parker woodlands. we did the whole thing and people weren’t really too interested in the cairns by the time we got to them. still a nice walk on a nice day. this property is owned by the […]

North South Trail Trek, Leg 5

| May 4, 2013

North South Trail Trek, Leg 5

12.8 miles   2.7 mph whew. did this 13-mile walk (sans shirley) with the north south trail people through foster and glocester, ri. large amount (maybe 3 miles) of road-walking, and another large amount on old woods roads that had seen extensive motorized vehicle traffic, maybe another 3 miles. and you can just imagine how […]

Parker Woodland, Foster Tract

| March 7, 2012

Parker Woodland, Foster Tract

★★★★  6.3 miles wow, another “kicked my ass” hike. 6.3 miles, and a lot of hard walking. 85:15 hikey:walkey, and lots of climby spots, and boulders, and rocks. but this such a pretty and interesting property, what with the mysterious cairns, cellar  holes, charcoal burning sites, caves, table rock… lots of things to see. and […]