auntie | May 11, 2017
10.61 miles; Ipswich, Rowley, Georgetown, and Boxford, MA This was a long section, made longer still by a portion of the trail which was flooded by a beaver dam (you will notice beavers are kind of a theme in this post). Aside from the road-walking-heavy detour, however, it was mostly in the woods. This section passed […]
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Category: Bay Circuit Trail, Massachusetts, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: Boxford MA, Georgetown MA, Ipswich MA, MA, Over 10 miles, Rowley MA
auntie | May 3, 2017
6.32 miles; Rowley and Ipswich, MA Oh, well done, Bay Circuit Trail! This is the first of my BCT hikes that was entirely in the woods. I went through town land, what looked like a developer’s easement, conservation land and a large state forest. Only crossed 1 road. This was a great hike! It was […]
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Category: Bay Circuit Trail, Massachusetts, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 5–7 miles, Ipswich MA, MA, Rowley MA
auntie | April 19, 2017
6.5 miles; Newbury and Rowley, MA Ugh. This was almost entirely on Route 1A, and not a lot of fun. The first mile was in a Trustees of the Reservations property called Old Town Hill, and that was nice. Oh, and it was also about 40 degrees colder today than it was a week ago […]
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Category: Bay Circuit Trail, Massachusetts, Walks and Hikes |
1 Comment »
Tags: 5–7 miles, MA, Newburyport MA, Rowley MA