auntie | April 26, 2014
so no hike today. i did get dressed and start off, but the pouring rain (and the vivid memory of slipping on a wet rock and breaking my ankle) finally convinced me that this saturdays by the book hike (durfee hill, hike #25 from ken weber’s weekend walks in rhode island) was not to be. instead, […]
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Category: Appalachian Trail, Misc Stuff, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: saturdays by the book
auntie | April 20, 2014
4.2 miles; meriden, ct welcome to hike number two in my (hopefully) continuing series, “saturdays by the book.” this week i chose nature walks in connecticut by rené laubach and charles w. g. smith, published by the appalachian mountain club in 1999. mount higby is hike number 24, and can be found (in my edition) on page […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, Meriden CT, saturdays by the book
auntie | April 12, 2014
4.85 miles; exeter and richmond, ri new blog feature! i have decided to walk some hikes in some of my favorite books on random saturdays. i’m calling it “saturdays by the book.” my first featured hike is from walks in the watershed, a nifty little pocket-sized pamphlet by charles f. hickox and elly heyder, and published by […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Exeter RI, RI, Richmond RI, saturdays by the book