auntie | August 6, 2012
4.8 miles ★★★★ unlike saturday, today was a wonderful day for a hike. a line of storms moved through the area last night and the humidity went away. this is a very interesting place, maintained by the army corps of engineers. i was here briefly last april, and have been wanting to come back. well maintained, […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, Thompson CT
auntie | April 18, 2012
★★★★ 4.49 miles this was another 2-hike day. i did a 1.5 mile loop around quaddick pond state park with a friend. then a fabulous lunch. then i felt like i needed to do more, so after i left my friend’s house i went to west thompson lake and attempted the 3.5 mile circumnavigation of […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, Thompson CT
auntie | April 7, 2012
★★★★½ 2.1 miles quick trip up the airline trail to the ct-ma-ri marker. the airline trail is a former railroad bed for a train that used to connect new york and boston, and ran through east thompson, ct. we hopped on at new road and east thompson road, the site of the only 4-train wreck […]
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Category: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, MA, RI, Thompson CT