Cormier Woods

| July 15, 2018

Cormier Woods

2.6 miles; Uxbridge and Mendon, MA This was a PCHC hike in my old Mendon/Uxbridge stomping grounds. I had planned to add the Mendon Town Forest to this short hike but it was too damned muggy and hot. I hate this time of year for hiking… Mendon has been a town for a very long […]

West Hill Dam

| July 7, 2018

West Hill Dam

2.87 miles; Uxbridge and Northbridge, MA This was a short PCHC/Blackstone Valley Heritage Corridor hike on this Corps of Engineers property in Uxbridge, MA. This dam is unusual in that it does not create a body of water; it is strictly for flood control. We had a lovely cool and sunny day. I’ve hiked this property […]

Blackstone River and Canal Heritage Park

| September 13, 2016

Blackstone River and Canal Heritage Park

8 miles; Uxbridge and Northbridge, MA Today’s adventure was kind of a 2-fer hike. The first part consisted of joining my friend Marjorie, author of Easy Walks in Massachusetts [second edition available now on Amazon] for a lovely 2-mile stroll along the west bank of the Blackstone River on a trail that is part of the Blackstone River and Canal […]

West Hill Dam

| August 14, 2014

West Hill Dam

4.9 miles, uxbridge, ma it was a beautiful day for a hike, sunny and cool. this was a very easy trail, mostly flat, mostly on old woods roads, and covered in pine needles. there were lots of runners and dog walkers out. you can just barely make it out, but the moon was out over […]