Vin Gormley Trail
Posted By auntie on December 22, 2014
8 miles; charlestown, ri
it was a truly lovely day to be outside today. not too cold, maybe in the 40’s, and sunny. i had a need to really burn up some calories, so i did the vin gormley as fast as i could, which, for me, was pretty fast. took me under 3 hours. saw several mountain bikers and a jogger, but nobody else out hiking this morning. and again, i tried yet another way to hike it.
i think this one is the best so far… start at the trailhead on kings factory road (where bucky beaver stands guard). head south and do ALL the tedious road-walking first, even the campground, except of course for the 1/4 mile of buckeye brook road, leaving only woods trails for the last part. i liked this a lot. i think i’m going to make this my go-to route for the vin gormley from now on.
you can find the vin gormley trail in the hikefinder.
Good to hear you got in a good, long hike on a nice clear day. We haven’t had a sunny day up here in about two weeks!