Vin Gormley

Posted By on October 26, 2015

Vin Gormley

8.25 miles; charlestown, ri

after having gotten a taste of this on saturday, i decided to return today and hike the whole thing. it’s gorgeous right now. but so is everything. and i just noticed i’ve got 82+ miles for this month. wonder if i can manage to hit 100? stay tuned!

blueberry bushes blazing

blueberry bushes blazing

i decided to start this loop trail at buckeye brook road, where saturday’s hike left off. the wild blueberry bushes have turned a lovely shade of orange/red, and there were lots through here.

understated, if invasive, beauty

understated, if invasive, beauty

this little japanese barberry bushlet (izzat a word? bushlet? if not, it should be) was so pretty. shame it’s such a pesky invasive plant.

bucky beaver check

bucky beaver check

and of course every time i come through here, i check to make sure ol’ bucky beaver is still on post at the kings factory road trailhead. so far so good.



i got going late enough in the day that the sun angle got fantastic for photography later in the hike. this one red maple leave was backlit. amazing.

you can find the vin gormley trail in the hikefindertrailheadtrail map, which is actually a photo of the map posted in the campground. still haven’t gotten around to making an “auntie” map of this property…


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