Canonchet Brook Preserve

Posted By on March 14, 2013

Canonchet Brook Preserve

4.93 miles   2.6 mph

it’s been such a long time since i did this hike i’d forgotten what a pretty place this preserve is. that’s not to say i enjoyed the 2+ miles of road walking or the wild, blazed but not well-traveled part in the beginning, but if you plan it so you finish off with the prettiest part, it’s not a bad hike at all.

extraordinary roots

extraordinary roots

i can’t for the life of me figure out how this tree developed this root system. it looks as if it grew up and over a big rock, but there’s no rock. not even one close by that looks as if it would go under there. it’s really quite fascinating.

gigantic rock

gigantic rock

and i know i posted a picture of this rock last time, and again, without anything next to it, you don’t get the scale, but it is seriously at least 20-25-feet tall. enormous.



and was i or was i not right about how it looks like a dinosaur head?

UPDATE: you can find this hike in the hikefinder. when i originally did it, back in february of 2012, i parked on north road and walked east, down into the preserve and turned left at the trail intersection and headed north (this is the prettiest part of the hike, btw) to stubtown road. then i walked east to canonchet road, and then south on canonchet to lawton foster north. i followed lawton foster north past where the pavement runs out. the yellow blazes of the trail start almost where the paving for lawton foster south starts up. today i parked on stubtown road, at the parking area on ashville pond where the narragansett trailhead is and walked it the same direction. i skipped the spur up to north road entirely, which accounts for the 4/10ths mile difference between hikes.


2 Responses to “Canonchet Brook Preserve”

  1. […] have no way to show you the scale of this, but this is the HUGE rock i’ve mentioned before. i am not kidding when i say it’s as tall as a two-story house. giganto! humongous! […]

  2. […] road, you continued a little further to the southern trailhead of the nature conservancy’s canonchet brook preserve. i have usually hiked that preserve by including stub town road and canonchet road. i’ll have […]

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